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Oct 30 - Nov 3


2-Day Pre-Conferences

Wednesday & Thursday, October 30-31, 2019

October 30th - 09:30-16:30

October 31st - 09:00-16:00

Coffee break and lunch will be provided to registered participants. 

For MAIS Member A/OS assisted schools, there is no charge to attend the Math and the IT pre-conferences and you may be eligible to receive a stipend for attendance.

2-Day Pre-Conferences

Institute II Algebraic Thinking - AERO Math Specialists in International Schools (MSIS)

Meeting Room Aurelia

The focus is on the content and the Common Core Mathematical Practices that support the Algebra and Functions progressions of the AERO/Common Core Standards. Attention will be given to the transition from arithmetic to algebra, working with quantitative change and the description of and prediction of change.

MSIS is a 2-year mathematics certificate program designed for K-8 teachers of mathematics

  • Based on mathematics content from the AERO/Common Core Standards

  • Offering optional graduate credit at additional cost from SUNY Buffalo State University

  • Participants who complete all 5 institutes will receive a certificate as a Mathematics Specialist in International Schools from the Office of Overseas Schools.

  • Members Registration Fee per MSIS Institutes $300

  • Non-member Registration Fee per MSIS Institutes $500

Erma Anderson

Erma Anderson

Math and Science Consultant 

IT Directors' Roundtable

Meeting Room Flaminia

This year MAIS will be hosting a 2-Day meeting specifically designed for IT Directors at the MAIS Conference.

Topics include:

Cybersecurity Threats to Schools 

  • Hardening the physical network 

  • Hardening the wireless network 

  • Best practices for the wireless network 

  • Securing the school SIS 

  • Best practices for document sharing (Google/Microsoft) 

  • Exposure of private information on social networks 

  • Securing staff and students’ devices 

Emergency Preparedness 

  • Academic Continuity Plans 

  • Stages of Readiness 

  • Tabletop Emergency Exercises 

Innovation: Supporting Teaching & Learning 

  • Technology Infrastructure 

  • System Administration Software 

  • Device Management & Policies 

  • Hardware and Software Deployment 

  • Technology Goals & Standards 


Fernando Montalbán

Head of Technology

American School of Madrid 


Jeremy Schwartz

Technology Integration Specialist 

1-Day Pre-Conferences

Thursday, October 31, 2019



Coffee break and lunch will be provided to registered participants. 

2-Day - AERO
2-Day IT
1-Day Pre-Conferences

Middle States Accreditation Self-Study Workshop

Meeting Room Giulio

The morning session is designed to help you prepare for and begin self-study using your chosen protocol. This workshop will outline all phases of the self-study and team visit process, but focus primarily on organizing for a successful self-study experience. We will provide guidance on structuring your Planning Team, reviewing your school’s foundation documents, evaluating your school's current realities as defined by student and organizational performance, and assessing your school against all MSA Standards.
The afternoon session will focus on the next stage of the self-study process: developing your Plan for Growth and Improvement. An overview of objectives and action plans will be followed by small group work on analyzing student and organizational performance data, formulation of objectives, identifying assessments, and/or building action plans based on the participants’ current needs.

This workshop is recommended for internal coordinators and school leadership. All schools preparing to begin or currently engaged in self-study are encouraged to attend.
Attendees will benefit from bringing their school’s self-study data, draft objectives or any priority areas for objectives under consideration by the Planning Team. 


Priscilla Feir

Accreditation Officer, Middle States Association, Commissions on Elementary and Secondary School

NEASC Accreditation: From Compliance to Improvement to Transformation

Meeting Room Marzia

ACE Learning embraces fundamentally different approach to accreditation by engaging a learning community in what truly matters in schools: Learning. ACE’s 10 Learning Principles transform accreditation from an onerous, paperwork- and checkbox-oriented process, which ironically takes time away from teaching and learning, into an energizing community conversation about what should (and should not) matter in a 21st century education. The school community as a whole participates in designing a learning model that places learners at the center and asks schools to define and look for evidence of learning Impact. ACE aims to transform rather than simply improve schools.

In this interactive workshop participants are introduced to:

  • The ACE conceptual framework

  • The Transformational Learning Continuum underpinning ACE

  • The shift from an input-output model to an input-output-impact model.

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Jeff Bradley

Director, NEASC Commission on International Education

Project GLAD® (Guided Language Acquisition Design) Classroom Demonstration

American Overseas School Rome

In this workshop, participants will receive training in the theory and research of the award-winning Project GLAD® (Guided Language Acquisition Design) Model with practical applications and teaching strategies for the international classroom. Project GLAD® is a collection of best practices from a wide range of teacher programs and pedagogy that promote language acquisition, high academic achievement, and 21st century skills. The training covers the works of educators across the disciplines: reading, writing, brain compatible teaching, language acquisition, cross-cultural respect, primary language, and coaching. Participants will walk away with key strategies that create a classroom environment that values the student, provides authentic opportunities for the use of academic language, maintains the highest standards for all students, and fosters voice and identity. Join us to share your excitement for teaching and learning and Be GLAD!


Christine D'Aquanni

Be GLAD® Certified Key Trainer

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Anisa Arain

Be GLAD® Certified Key Trainer

1-Day MSA Accreditation
1-Day Be Glad

General Sessions

Friday, November 1, 2019



Coffee break and lunch will be provided to registered participants. 


Developing the Skills for Meaningful Change, Meaningful Lives

Meeting Room Foro Traiano/Adriano, 15:40-16:50

Nov 1 General Sessions
Nov 1 Keynote

Every educator hopes their efforts leave a lasting mark on their students; but the reality of limited time in a day, the pressure of standardized tests and college entrance expectations leave little room for deeper learning and impact-making. In this personal and thought-provoking keynote, Homa Tavangar will explore key factors that can help foster authentic global citizenship to learn, thrive, and create leadership impact in the classroom and beyond, to a life of meaning.


Homa Sabet Tavangar

Global Education & Inclusion Adviser/Author

Sponsored by International Schools Services


Concurrent Workshop Sessions

What Does It Take to Build a Global Mindset?  Why Does It Matter?

Foro Traiano/Adriano, 09:00-11:00

Research shows that a global mindset implies inquiry, creativity, adaptability, empathy, a sense of self, code-switching, and key subject knowledge. Jobs of the future are largely unknown, which makes the development of this mindset critical. Explore simple steps and practical tools to build global competence and learn to apply these to teaching any topic. Whether you’re looking to transform your school culture or simply to inspire staff, this session has lasting impact.


Homa Sabet Tavangar

Global Education & Inclusion Adviser/Author

Quirkey vs. Autism vs. Language Processing:

Are 1 in 60 People Really on the Spectrum?

Meeting Room Aurelia, 09:00 - 11:00

This 2 hour double session will discuss the shared characteristics that can complicate differential diagnosis of ASD and other learning disorders including deficits in sensory regulation, auditory processing and anxiety. We will consider the ramifications of“misdiagnoses” as it impacts treatment and prognosis.

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Susan Grant

Neurolinguist; Chair of the Advisory Committee on Exceptional Children and Youth for the US State Dept. Office of Overseas Schools.

The 3 R's - Reading, Research, RTI & Reading Intervention

Meeting Room Augusto, 09:00 - 10:00

What does research tell us about developmentally appropriate Early Literacy practices for children ages 3-8 and how can we adapt and implement these practices to ensure all students have a solid literacy foundation?  Although reading and writing abilities continue to develop throughout the lifespan, the early childhood years—from birth through age eight—are the most important period for literacy development (NAEYC and IRA Joint Position Statement on Early Literacy 2009).


What does research say about quality core literacy instruction? Hattie’s research is clear in this area. This workshop will  share some of his work as it relates to literacy. The scientific evidence today means that the “reading wars” should be over. Speaking is natural; reading and writing are not. Human brains are naturally wired to speak; they are not naturally wired to read and write (Louisa Moats 2009). The reading research has told us what works.


Sometimes, despite our best efforts, students fail to respond to quality instruction. (Visible Learning for Literacy p.142) This is where an RTI (Response to Intervention) Model helps to support these students. We will identify assessments and procedures that differentiate between a learning difficulty and language learning.  L1 and L2 learners with difficulty/disability thrive when identification is early and intervention is appropriate.

This workshop will explore language and literacy development among all language learners, with a focus on how early development is connected to later outcomes. It is part of an Action Research Project called  Leading Edge Learning which is  in progress at the International School of Florence.  The Programme forms part of the Creative Practice Consultancy services, led by Director Phil Whitehead. 


Impact on Schools

  • Understand the RTI-Response to Intervention/MTSS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support model and be     instructed how to develop this model school-wide.

  • Use recent research on reading to identify effective literacy practices and instructional materials

  • Identify the characteristics of second language learners with and without learning disabilities.

  • Early identification practices – L1 and L2 learners with difficulty/disability thrive when identification is early and intervention is appropriate.

Improve Teaching and Learning

  • Identify assessments and procedures that differentiate between a learning difficulty and language learning.

  • Understand the difference between effective high quality co-teaching, tier 2 supplemental and tier 3 intensive teaching practices and non-effective practices.

  • Enabled to integrate a data collection and assessment system, including universal screening, diagnostics and progress monitoring, to inform decisions appropriate teaching and learning for each tier.


Diane Lutz

Reading Specialist

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Mary Rose

4th Grade Teacher

Differentiating Instruction Through Mastery Learning

Meeting Room Giulio, 09:00-11:00

Struggling with how to better personalize and differentiate instruction for diverse students? This presentation describes how mastery learning instructional strategies offer a practical solution that adapts easily to different personal teaching styles, specific classroom situations, and the needs of individual students. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the theory and practice of mastery learning and explore ways to effectively implement these strategies to help more students learn excellently.


Thomas R. Guskey

Senior Research Scholar, University of Louisville and Professor Emeritus, University of Kentucky

NGSS - What Are Students DOING in Your Science Classroom? (K-12 and Admin)

Meeting Room Claudia, 09:00-10:00

Transitioning to NGSS can be a challenge. Learn how to transition your classroom into a more student-focused learning environment by using the 8 Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs). Using hands-on examples of each practice, participants will understand the importance of using the SEPs in their classroom to engage all students.

Participants will receive the e-book: NSTA Quick-Reference Guide to the NGSS 

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Jennifer Weibert

Science Coordinator for the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

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Lesley Gates

Science/STEM Consultant for the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

Essential Conversations: How to Tackle Tough Issues in a Positive and Productive Manner

Meeting Room Tiberio, 09:00 - 11:00

Based on the work of Susan Scott’s Fierce Conversations, this interactive session will empower leaders with the tools to confront tough issues with courage, compassion and skill. Participants will learn the foundations of building a positive school culture including a 7-step conversation model that leads to the resolution of issues while provoking learning and enriching relationships.

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Diane Leonardo

Sr. Director, Curriculum & Instruction at Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

Service Learning LIVE: The Four Corners Experience

Meeting Room Marzia, 09:00-11:00

Whether new to service learning or experienced, this workshop gives you an immersive hands-on approach that clarifies the process. Through a highly interactive session, experience the five stages of service learning in a unique way, with valuable strategies you can immediately use. This original approach has been used with educators and students around the world to promote best practice, develop concepts of purposeful research, stimulate youth initiative, and to develop significant ideas that meet genuine community needs.


Erin Threlfall

Consultant, CBK Associates

Expository Reading and Writing Units (ERWC) - Grades 7-12

Meeting Room Flaminia (Day 1), Marzia (Day 2), All Day

Attend this two-day interactive session to gain strategies for successfully teaching rhetorical reading and writing. The ERWC is an integrated reading, writing, and oral communication curriculum that employs an inquiry-based, rhetorical approach grounded in deep conceptual understandings for grades 7-12. The curriculum consists of English language arts modules (units) that take approximately three to four weeks to teach. Special modules in grades 9-12 include integrated and designated English language development. Designed by teachers for teachers in a collaboration between high school and university faculty, the modules can be integrated intermittently into existing curriculum or taught as a stand-alone class in grades 11-12. Focusing on compelling issues, the high-interest modules encourage the habits of mind of fluent academic readers and writers.

Participants will experience a module as learners and work together to plan selected modules to teach. Participants also will gain access to the online community that houses all the ERWC resources and offers the opportunity to continue conversations with educators to share best practices.


Lisa Benham

Director, Fresno County Superintendent of Schools


Nancy Brynelson

Co-Director, Center for the Advancement of Reading
California State University, Office of the Chancellor


Kathryn Catania

Deputy Superintendent, Fresno County Office of Education, California

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Shirley Hargis

ERWC Content Coordinator, Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

School Trip Planning & Preparedness

Meeting Room Fabiana, 09:00-12:30

Earns a Certificate

Part 1 - Trip planning and preparation: 
Security planning and risk management for school field trips, extracurricular activities, and off campus events (preparing the Statement of Preparedness, STOP).  The instruction will focus on how to identify potential hazards, analyze risks, and develop effective mitigations to lower or eliminate travel risks.  

Part 2 - Trip implementation and on site response plans:
Trip executions and onsite risk management for school field trips, extracurricular activities, and off campus events (implementation of the Statement of Preparedness, STOP). The instruction will focus on plan implementation and possible emergency actions during the school field trips, extracurricular activities, and off campus events. 

Part 3 - School Trip Tabletop Exercise:
Using the Table Top Exercise as a learning tool, the session and discussion is a simulated emergency situation.  Participants will review and discuss the actions they would take in a particular emergency, testing their emergency plan in an informal, low-stress environment.

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Chris Roose

Security Consultant

Raising the Level of Writing (and Strengthening Student Identities) in Grades 5-9: Diving Deeply into Personal Narrative and Literary Essay

Day 1 - Personal Narrative: Meeting Room Augusto, 10:00-15:15

Day 2 - Literary Essay: Meeting Room Claudia, 09:00-16:00

There is an art to teaching writing in such a way that you inspire students to be revelatory, courageous, and empathetic, and to write with clarity and craft.  Join Dr. Mary Ehrenworth, with the assistance of Jenny Killion and Marta Luján, in this two day cohort for teachers of English or other languages who want to raise the level of writing.  You’ll experience a professional writing workshop in which you have the opportunity to work on your own writing.  You’ll craft demonstration texts to use in your classroom.  You’ll receive teaching points and strategies for supporting a wide range of students.  And you’ll be able, in the company of colleagues, to study and practice instructional methods that help students not only become more powerful writers, but also become more independent and passionate.  


Mary Ehrenworth

Senior Deputy Director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project

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Jenny Killion

Literacy Coach at the American School of Barcelona

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Marta Luján

Chair of the Castellano department at the American School of Barcelona

NGSS in the Secondary Classroom: Phenomena Driven Unit Design

Meeting Room Claudia, 10:00-12:30

6-12 grade science teachers will become familiar with the essential components of a successful NGSS unit. They will learn how to design units with an anchor phenomenon, essential questions, learning sequences, and formative and summative assessments. Teachers will dive deep into several strategies such as notebooking and sketchnoting, to learn how to get the content learned out on paper. Student work will be brought to look at along with online resources to support teachers throughout the year.

Participants will receive the books: Uncovering Students Ideas Vol. 1

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Jennifer Weibert

Science Coordinator for the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

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Lesley Gates

Science/STEM Consultant for the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

Managing Change in Education - A Model for Managing Change

Foro Traiano/Adriano, 11:30 - 15:15

Change is often a difficult process in education. This session will focus on operational efficiencies in schools that should be considered for change. Typically these are factors that save time, money and help develop the workforce. 

I will also share my model of ‘Evidence Based Consistency’ that allows for the creation of a supportive ‘critical mass’ to create change.

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Abdul Chohan

Director, ThinkSimple Ltd, Co-Founder The Olive Tree School, Former Principal & CEO, Essa Foundation Academies Trust

Tele-Practice Speech-Language Pathology for Students - A Global Solution

Meeting Room Aurelia, 11:30 - 12:30

An overview of current practices and trends in the field of Speech-Language Tele-Practice.

Evidence based examples and current research and efficacy of tele practice with HIPPA and Federal guidelines.

Examples of therapy sessions.


Orna Kempler-Azulay

President and owner of ASPS, inc.


Erin Heinerichs

Clinical Director at ASPS, inc.

Gaining Insight Into Student Thinking Through Formative Assessment and Rich Tasks

Meeting Room Giulio, 11:30 - 12:30

To increase student learning, we must understand how students are thinking and processing the mathematics. As we teach, we assess, and as we assess, we teach. Formative assessment and instruction are interwoven together in complimentary ways to increase student learning.  Engaging in meaningful tasks provides a valuable opportunity for students to work together to explore and develop greater understanding of mathematical concepts and for teachers to gain insight into student thinking.  All of this depends on the careful, thoughtful facilitation of tasks. Facilitating tasks effectively can lead to rich mathematical discourse among students. In addition, planning and implementing tasks strategically can lead to instructional shifts. Participants will experience the power tasks can have in transforming classrooms for both teachers and students. Participants will engage in a task as students would engage in it, as well as the strategic planning needed to ensure powerful implementation. 


Erma Anderson

Math and Science Consultant

Social Emotional Learning: Anchoring a Positive Instructional Environment

Meeting Room Tiberio, 11:30 - 12:30

The overarching goal is to support the positive development and nurturing of the whole child.  We will begin with a brief summary of the foundational principles related to Social Emotional Learning, focusing on how leaders can best help students develop essential skills for the classroom and beyond.  Participants will reference the framework for Collaborative Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).  They will have an opportunity to work together in small groups to create their own skill sets to support sound, empathetic, decision-making behavior.  Teachers and leaders will leave with strategies for assessment, instruction, and evaluation of key ideas pertinent to the topic.  These include, but will not be limited to, recalling prior knowledge, making predictions, transference of knowledge to new situations, and applying it in meaningful real-world situations.

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Lynn Notarainni

International Business Development Manager

Strengthening Student Agency in the Enhanced PYP

Meeting Room Marzia, 11:30 - 12:30

What’s all the buzz about “Agentic Learning” in the Enhanced PYP and how do we make it happen? How do we keep “action” from being another tick box, and ensure it is authentic and purposeful, while also developing the other essential elements of the PYP? Integrating service learning can be the answer you are looking for! Join other like-minded teachers for an energetic, meaningful experience to see how integrating service learning into your Programme of Inquiry can be the thread that pulls it all together.  


Erin Threlfall

Consultant, CBK Associates

What Impact Does the Internet Have on Us and on Our Children's Lives?

Meeting Room Aurelia, 14:15 - 15:15

Gooseberry Planet is passionate about raising the profile of E-Safety in schools and about engaging
and educating the whole school community. Parents and teachers have a combined responsibility
to protect and prepare children for a life online. But are we doing enough? Do we feel comfortable
talking about online dangers? CAN we talk about them or does lack of knowledge, coupled with the
digital divide between us and the younger generation, make this difficult?
During this workshop we will talk about how the use of persuasive technology is addictive and how can we combat this.

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Stella James

Head Gooseberry of Gooseberry Planet

Leading for Excellence

Meeting Room Giulio, 14:15 - 15:15

What does an excellent educational leader do?  This session will discuss how leaders at all levels transform classrooms, school cultures, and communities through authentic, collaborative, leadership practice.  Learn about best practice and leave with the tools to a change agent in your school.

The Wilkes University Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership offers coursework focused on the synthesis of theory, scholarship, and practice that crosses and transcends physical, cultural and pedagogical barriers.

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Blake Mackesy

Assistant Professor, Wilkes University

STEM in the K-5 Classroom

Meeting Room Claudia, 14:15 - 15:15

How do you support Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in an equitable way in your elementary classroom? This session will focus on how you can create STEM learning experiences in your classroom while meeting NGSS and Math standards. Participants will experience a hands-on STEM activity and discuss the learning impact of lessons that utilize all of the STEM components. 
Participants will receive the book Never Stop Wondering plus the e-book: STEM Picture Perfect (K-2 or 3-5)

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Lesley Gates

Science/STEM Consultant for the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

Nov 1 Global Mindset
Nov 1 Spectrum
Nov 1 3R's
Nov 1 Differentiating Instructon
Nov 1 NGSS Doing
Nov 1 Conversations
Nov 1 Service Learning
Nov 1 ERWC
Nov 1 Trip Planning
Nov 1 Writing Level
Nov 1 NGSS Secondary
Nov 1 Managing Change
Nov 1 Tele-Practice
Nov 1 Insight
Nov 1 Social Emotinal Learning
Nov 1 PYP
Nov 1 Internet Impact
Nov 1 Leading
Nov 1 STEM
Nov 1 Atlas

Supporting Accreditation with Atlas

Meeting Room Tiberio, 14:15 - 15:15

Accreditation is a critical part of a school's overall process. Join us as we share examples of how schools have successfully approached their accreditation review using Atlas to map the process, centralize resources, track progress, outline roles and responsibilities, and facilitate the self-study. Curriculum is a key aspect and we will look at how to evaluate the existing curriculum at your school and determine steps to strengthen alignment. Whether you use Atlas or not, you will walk away with new ideas for organizing the work that leads to successful accreditation.

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Kelby Zenor

Vice President of Professional Development at Faria Education Group

How Do Effective Teachers Leave a Legacy?

Meeting Room Marzia, 14:15 - 15:15

What are the motivational factors that give your work more meaning and purpose?
How do we move from purpose to impact?
What does it mean to leave a legacy, and how do you do it as a teacher?
Finally, do not just look at the stars; learn how to be one.

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Nabil Husni

 Principal of Adma International School

How to Catch a Predator: Lesson Learned from Investigating Cases of Child Sexual Assault

Day 1: Meeting Room Fabiana, 14:15 - 15:15

Day 2: Meeting Room Flaminia, 15:00 - 16:00

The FBI has a dedicated team of agents that investigate sexual crimes committed against children carried out overseas. In conducting these investigations they found some patterns of behavior that are typical of offenders.  This presentation sets out to inform you what to look for in protecting your students from harm and ways in which to develop relationships and policies to prevent such instances from taking place in your school.

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Anthony Manganaro

Supervisory Special Agent over the FBI’s Child Sex Tourism Initiative

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Christopher Young

Diplomatic Security, Criminal Fraud Investigations Branch

Nov 1 Teacher Legacy
Nov 1 Catching Predators

General Sessions

Saturday, November 2, 2019


09:00 - 17:30

Coffee break and lunch will be provided to registered participants. 


The Do's and Don'ts of Grading Reform

Meeting Room Foro Traiano/Adriano, 16:30 - 17:30

Nov 2 General Sessions
Nov 2 Keynote

Thomas R. Guskey

Senior Research Scholar, University of Louisville and Professor Emeritus, University of Kentucky

Leaders trying to reform grading policies and practices in international schools often meet unanticipated resistance and frequently fail in their efforts. This presentation describes why these leaders failed and what can be done to guarantee a greater likelihood of success. Procedures for implementing new reporting structures, including standards-based grading, will be highlighted, together with policies and practices that should be avoided due to their negative consequences for students, teachers, and schools.

Concurrent Workshop Sessions

Leveraging Social Media for Good

Foro Traiano/Adriano, 09:00 - 10:00

Harnessing the power of technology – as a tool for meaningful connection, not an end in itself – can serve as an important enhancement to teaching, learning and living in our global, digital age. Learn ways that leveraging social media use can enhance STEM skills, literacy, school culture, broader student engagement, and our own professional learning networks. Tap into free digital tools that can build engagement, empathy and a more purposeful global vision for students (and teachers) across the curriculum.


Homa Sabet Tavangar

Global Education & Inclusion Adviser/Author

How the Brain Reads:  Learning to Read versus Reading to Learn

Meeting Room Aurelia, 09:00 - 11:00

This 2 hour double session will review the neuroscience of reading and how the Dyslexic brain works differently from the neurotypical reading brain. We will discuss the underlying mechanisms and skill sets that are critical to learning to read and those that are essential for reading comprehension. With knowledge of the component skills required for learning to read and reading to learn participants will be better able to develop targeted intervention.

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Susan Grant

Neurolinguist; Chair of the Advisory Committee on Exceptional Children and Youth for the US State Dept. Office of Overseas Schools.

Unpacking Standards with Tables of Specifications

Meeting Room Augusto, 09:00 - 11:00

   One of the biggest challenges educators face today is translating standards into meaningful instructional units and high quality classroom assessments. This presentation describes how to develop Tables of Specifications, a simple but elegant strategy designed to help teachers unpack standards by integrating curriculum content and levels of students’ cognitive performance.  Participants will learn how to use Tables to plan instruction and ensure their assessments capture essential learning skills.


Thomas R. Guskey

Senior Research Scholar, University of Louisville and Professor Emeritus, University of Kentucky

Be GLAD: Guided Language Acquisition Design for International Schools (PreK-12)

Meeting Room Giulio

09:00 - 11:00


11:30 - 13:30

In this workshop, participants will receive training in the theory and research of the award-winning Project GLAD® (Guided Language Acquisition Design) Model with practical applications and teaching strategies for the international classroom. Project GLAD® is a collection of best practices from a wide range of teacher programs and pedagogy that promote language acquisition, high academic achievement, and 21st century skills. The training covers the works of educators across the disciplines: reading, writing, brain compatible teaching, language acquisition, cross-cultural respect, primary language, and coaching. Participants will walk away with key strategies that create a classroom environment that values the student, provides authentic opportunities for the use of academic language, maintains the highest standards for all students, and fosters voice and identity. Join us to share your excitement for teaching and learning and Be GLAD!


Christine D'Aquanni

Be GLAD® Certified Key Trainer

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Anisa Arain

Be GLAD® Certified Key Trainer

Personalized Learning for Enrichment Opportunities for Students

Meeting Room Tiberio

Elementary Students 09:00 - 11:00

High School Students 11:30-12:30

Do you love teaching when your students are excited to learn? Is teaching more enjoyable when your students are successful during your lessons? If your answers are “yes” to these questions,then you’ll want to know more about personalized learning for your students in this session. Students enter your classroom at different ability levels. This session will help you address those different levels without writing 15 different alterations for the same lesson plan. Learn how to personalize the four classroom elements to tailor learning to students’ needs and explore several of the most effective personalized learning strategies through interactive means.

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Bradley Huebert

Director of Systems and Leadership, Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

Leadership Matters! A-Z Strategies to Lead Your Team towards GREATNESS!

Meeting Room Flaminia, 09:00 - 11:00

Gleaned from the most recent research and literature, this interactive session will expose participants to 26 strategies or characteristics that contribute to effective leadership and positive school culture. Participants will leave with a variety of resources and activities appropriate for immediate implementation at their school site.

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Diane Leonardo

Sr. Director, Curriculum & Instruction at Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

Make Student Thinking Visible Using Sketchnotes in Science (and Beyond!) (K-5)

Meeting Room Fabiana, 09:00 - 10:00

Countless studies have confirmed the importance of students using visual imagery (pictures, symbols, and color) in their learning. Sketchnoting, or visual note taking, is an important skill for ALL students as they show meaning and understanding of content in their own ways. Using sketchnotes in your classroom can help students retain new material, develop skills to articulate their current thinking and build connections to larger concepts. Come learn how to incorporate sketchnoting in your science lessons (Sketchnoting skills are applicable to ALL content areas!) 
Participants will receive the book: Sketchnoting in the Classroom: A Practical Guide to Deepen Student Learning and Scientists and their Data

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Lesley Gates

Science/STEM Consultant for the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

Explore and Integrate Transformative Elements of Global Citizenship into Curriculum and

Foro Traiano/Adriano, 10:00 - 11:00

As international teachers in international schools we might consider ourselves global citizens, but what does this look like in practice as we seek to spur deeper, 21st Century, innovative learning? This day of deep-dive learning, planning and exploring will look at some of the big-picture mindset-building skills, together with more detail-oriented curricular development that might transform your teaching practice and students’ experience in the classroom.


Homa Sabet Tavangar

Global Education & Inclusion Adviser/Author

Dump the Lab Report! Using Claim-Evidence-Reasoning to Support Student Ideas in Science     (7-12)

Meeting Room Fabiana, 10:00 - 11:00

Arguing from evidence is one of the most commonly used science and engineering practices in NGSS.  Come learn how to turn your lab reports into a deeper learning experience for your students as you experience a hands on lesson.  Procedures, templates, and student work will be highlighted.  
Participants will receive the books:  Argument Driven Inquiry and Uncovering Students Ideas Vol. 2

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Jennifer Weibert

Science Coordinator for the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools

Action Research in the Social Studies Classroom

Meeting Room Livia, 10:00 - 11:00

Social studies teachers are increasingly finding that the challenges to teach critically, take controversial viewpoints and balance tensions between ideological opinions is growing harder in the current climate. One way to address these issues is to undertake mini-action research projects to support teacher agency and independence in exploring best practices amidst a time of growing tensions and vulnerability. This workshop will be a hands-on experience to help teachers plan how they might ask questions of their teaching in a social studies classroom, learn how to find relevant literature, design and utilize strategies, assessments and tools to support their teaching, and finally to analyze student data to determine the lessons learned from the systematic and personal process of action research


Supriya Baily

Associate Professor, George Mason University

Digitising Effective Feedback and reducing workload on teachers

Foro Traiano/Adriano, 11:30 - 13:30

This workshop will discuss how effective feedback can be moved from traditional methods to utilising technology for verbal feedback, thus allowing students to listen to teachers multiple times and allowing them to revisit feedback. 

The session will also look at a variety of tools on mobile devices that allows for the redesign of teacher based activities that employs the use of voice. 

I will share a research paper that I published that discusses the impact of digitising effective feedback. 

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Abdul Chohan

Director, ThinkSimple Ltd, Co-Founder The Olive Tree School, Former Principal & CEO, Essa Foundation Academies Trust

Language: The Masterpiece of the Brain

Meeting Room Aurelia, 11:30 - 12:30

This 1 hour session will review the neuroscience of language acquisition… what we are “wired” for and what is environmentally driven and the critical role of education.  Language is the basis for much of what  we do and learn: communication, reading, writing and math. Children with a delay in the onset of speech and language are at 40% risk for learning disabilities.  We will discuss the early warning signs and intervention strategies.

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Susan Grant

Neurolinguist; Chair of the Advisory Committee on Exceptional Children and Youth for the US State Dept. Office of Overseas Schools.

The Power of Understanding and Collaboration in our Schools and Classrooms

Meeting Room Augusto, 11:30 - 12:30

Participants will learn how to apply DeBono’s (1985) idea of the Six Thinking Hats to their relationships with colleagues, administrators,and students in this interactive exercise. Participants will identify their own dominant thinking style and discuss the importance of creating relationships with others to complement differing styles in an effort to create and sustain collaborative learning environments.Understanding one’s dominant “hat” and being respectful and open to the strengths of others makes school and classroom partnerships more collaborative, efficient, and less frustrating.

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Stephanie Wasmanski

Assistant Professor, Wilkes University

Leadership, Goal-Setting and Evaluation: A Framework for Growth

Meeting Room Flaminia, 11:30 - 12:30

The workshop focuses on goal-setting and related evaluations that can promote healthy and productive teams and advance continuous improvement across a school or group of schools. Dr. Jacobs will speak specifically about the process of setting attainable goals at each level of a school – from the board through the classroom - that cascade and align with the vision and mission of the school enterprise.


Donald Jacobs

 CEO of PLS 3rd Learning

NGSS Aligned Assessment? Evaluating the Phenomena Based on Tests

Meeting Room Fabiana, 11:30 - 12:30

NGSS classrooms are phenomena focused. The Presenter will share tenth grade biology and chemistry tests that incorporates phenomena within a traditional question-answer format. Examples From physics will also be available.Participants will evaluate the tests using an NGSS assessment rubric and their professional judgement.Participants will reflect on and share NGSS aligned assessment practices in their own classrooms


Ingrid Pancoast

 High School Science Teacher at CAISL

Expanding Educational Opportunities with Accredited Virtual School Courses

Meeting Room Livia, 11:30 - 12:30

Schools are under increasing pressure to offer the widest possible range of courses to satisfy the needs of parents and students. Recruiting and retaining highly-qualified teaching staff is challenging, particularly in specialized subjects and curricula. The option of Virtual School Courses with qualified teachers online offers a solution to this problem but comes with specific challenges.


This session will look at the developing market for Virtual School Courses and present a range of implementation models in different schools around the world. We shall give an overview of the developing market for Virtual School Courses internationally and aim to help schools find a solution.


The following key topics will be discussed:

  • The delivery models, opportunities and challenges in the introduction of this technology.

  • Long-term projections of the future of the market


Gareth Bradwick

Project Manager, Edmentum International 

I Came, I Played, I Learned: How to Set up the Classroom Environment to Support Authentic Play

Meeting Room Aurelia, 12:30 - 13:30

“You cannot make people learn. You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen.” –Vince Gowman

Children learn best through play. We will explore strategies to setup the classroom environment to supportauthentic play.We willdiscuss the importance of circle time, andhow to setup learningareas so that children are able to manage themselves, andconstruct their own learning through authentic play experiences

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Brittney Hedrick

Preschool Coordinator/ K4 Teacher, Casablanca American School

Molecular Forces of Student Engagement: Whole-Brain Teaching in the Classroom for Long-Term Retention of Learning

Meeting Room Augusto, 12:30 - 13:30

For almost two decades, the United States and other nations have seen decreasing student understanding of secondary content. Globally, instructors have continually reported lack of student knowledge retention and engagement with content covered.  During the same timeframe, significant advances in neuroscience have enhanced our understanding of knowledge acquisition at the molecular and neuronal levels. To combat issues with knowledge retention and content engagement, instructors are beginning to heed the recommendations of neuroscience and have begun utilizing engaging teaching strategies, including whole brain teaching. Whole brain teaching is a teaching strategy that aims to engage different areas of students’ brains and enhance neuronal activity through active engagement, repetition, kinesthetic movement, and peer-interaction. Numerous studies in early,middle, and secondary education point to a high degree of effectiveness for this pedagogical strategy.This presentation will focus on the theoretical underpinnings of whole brain teaching and practical applications of the pedagogical technique such as class/yes, mirrors, and gestures. The presentation will also offer tips and techniques on other active engagement strategies in the classroom that educators can add to their teaching ‘toolbox.’


Amy Lucinda Burniston

Chair, Gradaute Secondary Education, Assistant Professor, Biology/Education, Mercyhurst University

Problem-Based Learning and Design Thinking: Managing Higher Level Thinking Skills K-12
Meeting Room Tiberio, 12:30 - 13:30

This is a hands-on, personalized workshop designed to help teachers create a new unit or modify an existing one that will be used with their students in the very near future. Our goal is to assist teachers in the creation of a relevant, rigorous, engaging unit,using a planning model that will eliminate stress. We will begin with the design of an entry document to engage the students' attention. Teachers will create one with us. They will use the standards required in their own schools to define what they are teaching and to set up their objectives. Both the Common Core And International Baccalaureate standards work. We will help them raise the rigor of their assignments, using the Rigor and Relevance Framework and the Design Thinking Model of planning. We will help them determine which 21st century skills should be included in their unit, as defined by the P21 Model. And we will help them determine the rubrics needed to measure student outcomes. Dr. Joan Della Valle, an expert on Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Dr. Meredith Harbord an expert on the International Baccalaureate (IB) have each authored books on this subject. Their combined experience will lead teachers through a worthwhile session that can be taken back to their classrooms for implementation.


Joan Della Valle

Vice President Core 21 Educational Services,Senior Consultant, Adjunct Professor, SUNY Buffalo State

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Meredith Harbord

Consultant Core 21 Educational Services, Adjunct Professor for SUNY Buffalo State and Global Educational Consultant

A Discussion of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Meeting Room Fabiana, 12:30 - 13:30

Joseph Catania

Smart content, intelligent tutoring systems, virtual facilitators and synthetic learning environments,welcome to the future of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd).It is estimated that artificial intelligence(AI) in U.S. education will grow by more than 47.5% from 2017 to 2021 according to the Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector report with the K-12 sector leading the growth. AI promises leaps in customized learning paths and tutoring, teacher training and feedback, site administration and planning. What you need to know to keep up in AIEd.

Bringing the Sustainable Development Goals into the Classroom and Beyond
Meeting Room Livia, 12:30 - 13:30

Habitat for Humanity International would like to invite you to our presentation of newly created Education toolkit for teachers and educators.

Education toolkit is a free online educational resource that provides knowledge and practical educational tools on housing, land rights and sustainable urban development. The toolkit is divided into 6 chapters:       

  • Sustainable development and SDGs in general

  • Sustainable urban development and SDG11

  • Urbanization and slum upgrading       

  • Gender equality and housing

  • Migration and climate change

  • Land rights 

Each chapter includes a comprehensive theoretical background of the topic which does not require further research by the educator. Most importantly, the toolkit is primarily focused on practical and active way of learning about the topics, that is why each chapter contains 3 lesson plans, 3 shorter exercises, research project and action project. Thus, the toolkit is very adaptable to the needs of the educator concerning topic of interest, time constraints or group size. The aim is to educate and raise awareness about these issues among EU youth (15-18 years old).

In our workshop, we will provide short overview of the toolkit as well as examples of the activities, which can be introduced in classroom and every day school life.

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Veronika Cruz Bodova

Volunteer Programs Coordinator at Habitat for Humanity

Augmented Reality in Education - Making Impact with New Tools 
Foro Traiano/Adriano, 15:00 - 16:00

This session will introduce a variety of AR tools that can be used to amplify learning experience for students. If delegates have iPad they will be able to participate but its not necessary to have an iPad. The session will span across all age groups and will allow teachers to embed the effective use of AR, rather than something that creates short excitement. The session is underpinned by discussing key pedagogical models

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Abdul Chohan

Director, ThinkSimple Ltd, Co-Founder The Olive Tree School, Former Principal & CEO, Essa Foundation Academies Trust

Gamification & Active Learning: How to Make your Class a Game Worth Playing
Meeting Room Aurelia, 15:00 - 16:00

Teaching may be regarded as an interactive process aimed to foster learning. To achieve this, teachers can adopt approaches which enable students to participate in the process of learning. This active learning approach has been reported to have a positive effect on learning (Hattie, 2009). Nonetheless, more recently, a new approach has emerged. Through the use of game elements in non-game contexts, gamification has shown a potential benefit to learning,since it increases students’ motivation and engagement with the material (Kapp, 2012). Having this in mind, the aim of this workshop is to highlight some active learning and gamification strategies that could be implemented at the beginning, middle or end of class. We Intend to present everything in a way that will enable you to implement the discussed strategies as soon as you get back to your teaching routine. Hopefully by the end of this workshop, you will be able to say: "Veni, Verdi, Didici"-I came, I saw, I learned - how to make my class a game worth playing.


Diana Farcas

High School Teacher at CAISL

Nov 2 Leveraging Social Media
Nov 2 How the Brain Reads
Nov 2 Standards
Nov 2 BeGlad
Nov 2 Personalized Learning
Nov 2 Leadership
Nov 2 Student Thinking
Nov 2 Explore and Integrate
Nov 2 Lab Report
Nov 2 Action Research
Nov 2 Effective Feedback
Nov 2 Language Brain
Nov 2 Unerstadig & Collaboration
Nov 2 Goal-Setting
Nov 2 NGSS Assessment
Nov 2 Personalized Learning
Nov 2 Authentic Play
Nov 2 Molecular Learning
Nov 2 Problem-Based Learning
Nov 2 Staff Recr
Nov 2 AI
Nov 2 Sustainable Dev
Nov 2 Augmented Reality
Nov 2 Gamification

I Came, I Saw, I Didn’t Hide Under My Desk: New Leaders Leading
Meeting Room Augusto, 15:00 - 16:00

Research has asserted one of the greatest factors in student success is effective teachers but what empowers teachers to be effective?  Quality leaders!  This workshop is tailored to those new to leadership positions-heads of department, coordinators, and administration.  We will look at the challenges new leaders face and opportunities for professional growth while helping your staff shine.

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Elizabeth L. Phillips

Lower School Principal at Casablanca American School

Classroom Visuals and Tools in Multiple Languages
Meeting Room Giulio, 15:00 - 16:00

In this workshop, we will cover how to create classroom visuals and tools in multiple languages. Come to learn how we select the information that is most important to display in order for students to learn, and how we represent this information both visually and across languages. You will see multiple examples of anchor charts made for the whole class, tools made for small groups and note-taking strategies for students to implement. Additionally, you will have time to make a teaching tool of your own that you can use in your classroom with your students right away!

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Marta Luján

Chair of the Castellano department at the American School of Barcelona

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Lauren Gould

English Humanities Teacher at American School of Barcelona

The Nitty Gritty on Developing Your Own Summer Reading Program
Meeting Room Tiberio, 15:00 - 16:00

In 2011, a teacher and a librarian partnered up and pioneered a change in their school’s summer reading expectations that has gotten kids, parents, and teachers motivated to read all summer. This session will summarize their success with internally-created summer reading programs inspired by the Collaborative Summer Library Program and based on the needs of their school community. Additionally, all participants will be provided with structured help and tools to begin planning a customized program specific to the needs and resources at their own school. They will ultimately walk away with four successful, ready-to-use programs, the foundations for a new, personalized program, and the chance to network for a future of shared summer reading opportunities.

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Helen Jenkins

Librarian at CAISL

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Kathryn Adams

Grade 3 Teacher at CAISL

Creating Better Global Citizens
Meeting Room Fabiana, 15:00 - 16:00

Could your school use help shaping students into better global citizens? News-Decoder leverages its global network of leading secondary schools to help students on different continents research the world’s biggest problems and convey their findings in publishable multimedia content and online webinars. 

News-Decoder helps students overcome ethnocentrism by tackling crucial global issues such as climate change, migration and nationalism, by addressing international audiences, and by working with experienced journalists and peers around the world. The result: students learn to connect the dots and become better global citizens.

The desired goals of our workshop are to: (1) Explain how journalistic skills and behaviours can help students dig deeper into complex issues; (2) Convey techniques that News-Decoder uses to expand students’ horizons and understanding; and (3) Hear from conference participants about the techniques they are using to nurture student empathy and global citizenship.

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Lauren Heuser

Strategy Officer & Managing Editor of News-Decoder

Using Google Apps in Arabic Classrooms
Meeting Room Livia, 15:00 - 16:00

The workshop will focus on how to use Google Apps in Arabic classroom. Participants will learn how to include Google Apps in their teaching in order to increase students’ engagement, motivation and collaboration.

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Elmahfoud Louafi

Lower School Arabic Teacher and Language Department Coordinator, Casablanca American School

Nov 2 Leaders Leading
Nov 2 Class Visuals
Nov 2 Summer Reading
Nov 2 Gloal Citizens


Sunday, November 3, 2019



Coffee break and lunch will be provided to registered participants. 

Nov 3

Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth: Applying Reports Overview & Informing Instruction Overview
Meeting Room Aurelia, 09:00 - 16:00

Once you’re comfortable with the basics of administering MAP® Growth™ assessments, get hands-on with your reports. Learn to access, interpret, and apply rich data. Then plan how to use your data to inform ongoing work, with a particular focus on goal setting with students.

Dive deeper into classroom applications of MAP® Growth™ reports and the Learning Continuum. Support differentiated instruction and meet the needs of every student through flexible groupings and instructional ladders based on your MAP Growth results. Tailor your learning even further with learning centers focused on topics such as using formative assessment and integrating KhanAcademy® resources.

If a participant needs more information on a different content,please send an email with your objectives for the workshop to shannon (at)

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Brian May

Manager at NWEA

Nov 3 MAP

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